Hi All,
Naturally, I'm about a level 4.5 but currently have a box dye on that has come out far too dark. It stated darkest brown on the box and is sitting at between a level 3 to 3.5. The darker colour is really washing me out as I'm fair skinned. Ideally, I'd like to lighten this to about a level 6 but I'm not sure how to achieve this at home, if I even can?
This is the first box dye I've done in years to save some money but alas, it was big mistake. One that will end up costing over £100 to fix professionally.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Try a colour remover.
Don’t professionally fix it, they’ll almost certa8nly just bleach it. Most still aren’t up with the latest ways of doing it.
As kitebunny says try a colour remover. There’s loads in boots or Superdrug.
Thanks both.
Perhaps not as dark as I initially thought it was. I've tried to add a picture but it's too large.
I may be able to persevere with this until I get some root growth at which point, I'll try ColourB4 to remove as much of the darker colour as I can and cover with a semi ... which in hindsight, is probably what I should have done in the first place!
Sometimes it just takes time to get used to what feels like a drastic change. Dark hair often looks gorgeous on fair skin. I have a pretty pale complexion and have had black hair at times, it’s been complimented a lot so it must look ok 🙂
Thank you.
I’ve just remembered my natural hair colour is an 8 or 9 lol it’s been so long since I’ve really seen it properly I forget sometimes! Funnily enough, part of the reason I started dying it was because I didn’t think my natural hair colour suited me. It wasn’t the depth of the colour though, it was the fact it has a slight green tinge because it’s so ash toned!
Anyway, at least it was just highlights suggested, that’s certainly preferable to many who just want to bleach the lot. The. There’s the ones that won’t do anything, which is fair enough if they know bleach isn’t going to work or make th8ngs worse, but it’s irritat8ng if they won’t try colour removers. I had a discussion with a hairdresser a few years ago who told me my hair will fall out if I carry on using colour removers. It just shows he doesn’t understand the chemistry. Hairdressers that don’t understand chemistry frighten me, there’s a lot of dangerous chemicals they’re in charge of putting on us!
Great result!
Yeah you can try a colour remover.