Hello all π
I've been slowly going from black to silver for the past 10 months, but I find myself at a strange stage. My natural hair colour is really white/grey and I got so fed up with the white roots showing through so quickly that I decided to strip out the colour and let it go natural and never use a dark permanent colour on it again.
Ok so several colour removers later and a couple of bleaches I've got a strange mix of ultra white roots which then goes into a strange light copper/banana yellow which gets darker towards the ends. I thought this would be light enough to put l'oreal extreme platinum on top, left it maximum development time, rinsed it off and....nothing no noticeable lift in colour at all. Tried a couple of iced platinum toners and they don't seem to have had an effect either. (sorry can't post a photo, cos i can't take one where the light does it justice)
So I'm wondering is it possible that hair can only lift so far and then just give up? Unfortunately I don't think I'm able to put anything else on it now because every time I wash it now, it does a good impression cotton candy and sheds like mad, it's ok when it's dry and styled, the colour is just horrendous at the moment and I have no clue what I can do with it.
Does anyone have any advice they can share! please save me from going mad!!! π
I'm afraid you'll be better just cutting the ends off at this point. The yellow will be from staining from dyes and sometimes nothing will get it out.
If you really done want to cut it, you'll have to tone it to a darker shade of blonde on the ends. If it's too yellow it just won't go white with toning, but you can at least make it more ash.
Thanks for replying. Had a sneaky feeling the answer might be to cut it, but it's really quite long and if I cut the yellow out I'd end up with a pixie cut and I'm not brave enough to do that! Lol
Guess I'm a bit stuck then, if I go darker/ash on the yellow I'm still going to have the ugly contrast of white roots growing out and looking sloppy. If I darken the whole lot. I'm back to root touching up all the time, which is what I was trying to do away with. Looks like I'm just going to have to leave it, have regular cuts and wait it out till the yellow/orange is gone and put up with the funny looks! Haha
Oh the joys of hair colouring!
I'm afraid growing out dark colour with lighter roots is never fun. It's grin and bear it or cut it off usually. You're lucky you got it as light as you did.
You really should get a good bit cut off though. The damage at the ends will travel up to the less damaged hair and affect to that. Best to just get shot of as much of it as you can or you could be battling damage for a lot longer than you need to. Doesn't have to be a pixie cut. Just as much as you can stand to go without will be better. It'll also get rid of the darkest bits and that will help it start to blend in a little more.