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How to get my hair back to one shade of blonde all over?

New Member Guest

Hi everyone,

I've joined this forum because I am now completely stuck on what to do to get my hair back to one colour. To give you a bit of background info, I dyed my hair 'blackcurrant' with loreal casting creme gloss over long-time dyed light blonde around 9 months ago (it turned out VERY red) this took a couple of months to come out with the help of a lot of head and shoulders shampoo and Colour B4. When I was back to blonde, I bleached the top layer of my hair and dyed the underneath semi permanent brown. Since then, i've been trying to get my hair back to one single shade of blonde but no matter what i've done, the underneath is darker than the top. Though the brown parts are long gone, the problem I have is that my hair is all diffrerent shades of blonde now. I've now bleached a few times (over a period of a few months) but the lighter bits keep going lighter and the darker stays darker. The other day, I bleached only the darker yellowy light blonde parts of my hair with bleach london, but they didn't lighten up at all. Then I decided to go back to my failsafe John Frieda precision foam in 10B, dyed it all over yesterday but again nothing happened to the darker bits and it only lightened up the lighter bits. Toned it and now parts of my hair are extremely light almost greyish purpley blue, and then the other bits are the same colour i'm trying to lighten up. What do I do?!?!?!??!?!?!

Posted : September 14, 2016 8:38 am
Noble Member Registered

Have you used colour B4 on the brown bit? Up to 3 times? If so and it still won't budge it could very well be stained, I tried to do a white streak for a friend with dyed brown hair a while ago and even with 3 goes of colour B4 plus bleach she couldn't get the lengths any lighter than what you have there. If it is stained and won't budge you may want to consider toning it all to a honey blonde with something non-permanent. There may be something you can use to counteract the orange tones of the darker bits (I'm not very good with what colours counteract each other, someone like WickedPixie is best for that!)but you may find you need to rethink your goal for now and either go all over darker or go for some kind of fun colour underneath to disguise the darker part.

Posted : September 14, 2016 11:14 am
Noble Member Registered

And when you say you used a semi permanent on the underneath to make it brown, do you mean a semi that used a developer (did you mix two bottles together) or do you mean a direct dye such as Adore? If it was one with peroxide it may be worth using color b4 on it.

It's pretty impossible to say whether you can get it back to a light blonde because there are a number of factors that can affect whether it stains, but if you haven't used colour b4 yet then that should be your next step.

Posted : September 14, 2016 7:12 pm
Reputable Member Registered

I agree with lauralei, use Color b4 before using anything else, its seriously a lifesaver!!!

Posted : September 14, 2016 9:35 pm