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HELP! semi permanent black turned PINK!?

New Member Guest

Okay so I've done many different colors in the past, the one previous to black was bright blue. Around December I dyed over the blue with Arctic Fox semi permanent black hair color (Transylvania). My roots have grown in quite a bit and I decided I wanted to split dye my hair again. So I tried my best to strip out as much of the black that I could with baking soda and dish soap/shampoo. The arctic fox color was very blue/purple based so it turned into a weird mess(see picture attachment). After a couple of strips I thought it was enough to bleach. My roots turned out fine but everything that was blue/purple turned BRIGHT PINK. My question is how do I get this pink out? I tried doing a strip test of a second round of bleach on a small piece that was pink and not much happened so I'm afraid to bleach over the whole thing if nothings going to change except for the integrity of my hair. Should I tone it? should I go for another bleach? Pleasssee help!!

Posted : March 13, 2018 4:16 pm
Reputable Member Registered

That's awesome!  What colour(s) are you aiming for?

Might still be worth trying a colour remover.

Posted : March 16, 2018 4:17 pm
New Member Guest

i want it to be blonde, any shade i don't care at this point i just want the pink out! i was thinking a toner might help but not sure

Posted : March 18, 2018 1:46 am