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help me quick! should i tone or bleach?

New Member Guest

Hey! I am trying to get to platinum blonde, i had ombre ends and about 3-4 inches or brown on top which i bleached yesterday. The color result is not very even and I need to know whether I should rebleach the more orangey bits around my roots (though the roots themselves are nearly white) or if its overall light enough to tone and blend together. Need to pull this off so any quick responses would be greatly appreciated.

Posted : April 12, 2017 11:30 am
Noble Member Registered

You shouldn't bleach again so quickly, you risk seriously damaging your hair. We usually advise on here waiting a month between bleaching as this allows the full extent of any damage to show and allows you to judge whether it is safe to bleach again.

You can make toners to counteract brassy tones by mixing a very small amount of a direct dye such as directions into some white conditioner (blue for orange tones, purple for yellow)

Posted : April 12, 2017 4:34 pm