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Help getting Teal out

Eminent Member Registered

backstory: I dyed my light pink hair green a year ago, and I love it green. However, it only stays green for about a week then fades to a teal/turquoise color. It's not bad, but it's not what I want.

After a year of trying to do the upkeep, I'm over it. I miss the low-maintenance of pink hair. So, since I last dyed my hair five and a half weeks ago, I've been washing with a clarifying shampoo and doing what I can to fade it so I can at least cover my hair with a dark pink/red en route back to my light pink hair. It's been five weeks of fading, and my hair is still pretty dark. the roots are a bit lighter, but the rest is still a teal color.

the question: I use a mix of ion blue and pravana yellow. Has anyone had any luck with Colorb4/color oops on these dyes? I never had luck when I was trying to get rid of SFX. And I'd rather not waste the money of it if it's not gonna work.

And if I do bleach bath, can would it work if instead of 2 part shampoo, 1 part bleach, could I do 2.5 shampoo, .5 bleach? would that even do anything (is that even the right ratio? 2:1?) I'm really paranoid of ruining all the TLC i've been putting into my hair for the past two years.

I'd love to have my hair the way I'd like by the time Thanksgiving comes around next Thursday, but I won't be heartbroken if I can't. I'm just trying to do this the most healthy way possible.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Topic starter Posted : November 18, 2016 7:56 pm
Noble Member Registered

I'm not sure about the colour remover as I've not used those brands of dye before, but I suggest you strand test the bleach bath and see what it does - I've had success with really weak bleach baths before but it doesn't mean that everyone would. Also I would recommend a strand test as bleaching can throw up unexpected tones - you may end up with something you like even less than the teal and be stuck with that over Thanksgiving!

Posted : November 19, 2016 10:41 am
Famed Member Registered

I've not used it, but ion blue is notorious for being permanent. I think the main problem you've had is using a super strong and sticky blue with a not very good yellow. Not that there's many yellows that are super strong. Direction fluorescent glow yellow is an excepting though. Directions spring green has a base of flo glow and it always fades yellow. The blue disappears before the yellow. So, that might be a route for you back to green if you can't get out the ion blue.

Don't bleachbath, it doesn't touch ion blue and many suspect it makes it worse. You could try the bleach powder/shampoo/oils method that is in the tutorial section. Some people have had success with sticky blues with that. I have my problems with it, as you'll see if you read the thread, but I'm not going to turn you off the method, just want you to know the potential issues πŸ™‚

Posted : November 19, 2016 9:53 pm
Eminent Member Registered

I won't bother with color oops then.

I think I'll do two strand tests: one bleach bath and one with the oil/shampoo/powder method (however you call it)

Topic starter Posted : November 20, 2016 9:54 pm
Famed Member Registered

You can try a bleach bath strand, but it's really unlikely to do anything. I'm open to being wrong, but there's been a lot of people here saying it hasn't touched it at all.

Posted : November 20, 2016 10:17 pm
Noble Member Registered

Yeah I wasn't aware of the history of this brand of colour when I advised a strand test, I just meant don't bleach bath without a strand test as sometimes it can make situations like this worse and just contributes to damage needlessly.

Posted : November 21, 2016 10:17 am
Famed Member Registered

If you're talking to me, it's ok, I know πŸ˜€

Posted : November 21, 2016 12:55 pm
Noble Member Registered

If you're talking to me, it's ok, I know πŸ˜€


Posted : November 21, 2016 2:15 pm
Eminent Member Registered

I'm not holding my breath for a bleach bath, but I have to find out for myself it it doesn't work lol.

Topic starter Posted : November 21, 2016 4:52 pm
Eminent Member Registered

So you were right and the bleach bath was useless. The powder/water method worked pretty well, though so I think I'll give it a shot on my whole head!

However, I'm not too sure about my outgrowth now. It's about that time where I would bleach them, so would anyone have any ideas on how to handle my length and outgrowth? Do the outgrowth first, wash, then my roots? Try to do them at the same time?

Topic starter Posted : November 21, 2016 10:30 pm
Famed Member Registered


I'd do it the other way around so you know what you have to deal with when doing your roots. That will mean leaving it a few days before doing your roots though. You can't bleach, on your roots especially, on freshly washed hair. It's worse for the hair, but also dangerous for your scalp.

Posted : November 22, 2016 12:04 pm
Eminent Member Registered

So I decided while I was doing my roots that would throw on the water/powder mixture in my ends. I left it on, under a shower cap, for about a half hour and it almost got all the color out! My roots are a platinum blonde while the rest of my hair is a yellow blonde with light green patches/ends. It actually looks kinda cool, just a little too warm in a lot of spots so  i'm just going to tone everything but my roots and leave it as that for the holiday.  In a few weeks I'll see what I can do about what color I can dye it.

Topic starter Posted : November 23, 2016 3:12 pm