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Hair won't fade anymore

New Member Guest

Basically I did another post the other day but my plan has slightly changed so I thought it might need a new topic. Not sure though. Sorry if I'm wrong and clogging up the thread.

Anyway, I've colour stripped my hair 2 times now and both times when the colour stripper is on it's been a mint but when I wash it off it immediately goes back to navy blue after the first buffer stage. I've followed the instructions to a tee with a timer so it's not that it's not rinsed enough because it was rinsed for 20 minutes in total. 

Anyway, as it's a colour freedom permanent grey on my hair (that went blue) it won't fade/strip any lighter than a muddy mid blue. Will bleach lift this at all?

Posted : November 1, 2016 11:30 pm
Famed Member Registered

It's hard to say. It might, it might not. Try a strand test and make sure you time it well and keep it around body temp.

Just be very aware of the extra damage it's going to cause and weigh up if it's really worth it.

Have you looked at the shampoo/oils/bleach powder method. I have my reservations about it, but most people have a degree of success with it. You'll find the info in the tutorial section.

Posted : November 2, 2016 7:41 am
New Member Guest

Thank you so much for your help. I've finally got rid of this blue that I've been stuck with for years. I decided to take your advice and move around the colour wheel as my strand test went murky orange when I applied the orange dye on it.

I'm now a vibrant cerise pink. Yay! Way less boring than navy blue.

Posted : November 2, 2016 10:44 pm