I am so sad. I did a bleach shampoo cap on my hair and got it to an orange-gold stage. It was not even throughout because I still had a few darker places, even though I completely soaked my whole head. I conditioned it really well and waited a couple of days. Then, using 10 vol developer, I dyed it with Clairol pro creme demi-permanent in dark red blonde 6R. When I washed it out and dried my hair, the lighter parts of my hair were light orange and the rest was an orange brown with some of the slightly darker spots uncolored. It was awful. I lived with it for a couple of days and then dyed over it with some demi permanent light brown. I have posted before about going to 7 different professional stylists in an attempt to get my hair red with no success. The best description of the red I want is in this pic:
Why can't I be successful at this? Can someone help?
I would use a color remover like One n Only Colofix (from Sallys, about $14) which shpuld take you back to your orange/gold. Be sure to rinse super well + then use a red semi over it. They arent damagimg at all and you wont get a brown from using a red dye over orange/yellow/gold, it will be red + last a lot longer than a permanent. Adore would be a good brand to go with for a red like this, which you can find here at Beeunique. @Intempestivity has a lot of experience with reds so she may be better able to recommend specific colors to use than I am able to. Look in the showoff gallery at reds + natural shades, and in the Beeunique Gallery at the Adore colors to give you a good feel for their colors
If you can get the colour out with a colour remover like Katie suggested, try some SFX Hot Lava (if you can find any ... they're currently restocking all of their suppliers). It's practically a perfect match for that photo. Alternatively, Manic Panic Infra Red should be a good alternative until Hot Lava gets back in stock.
I would use a color remover like One n Only Colofix (from Sallys, about $14) which shpuld take you back to your orange/gold. Be sure to rinse super well + then use a red semi over it. They arent damagimg at all and you wont get a brown from using a red dye over orange/yellow/gold, it will be red + last a lot longer than a permanent. Adore would be a good brand to go with for a red like this, which you can find here at Beeunique. @Intempestivity has a lot of experience with reds so she may be better able to recommend specific colors to use than I am able to. Look in the showoff gallery at reds + natural shades, and in the Beeunique Gallery at the Adore colors to give you a good feel for their colors
Thank you. I will look for some.
If you can get the colour out with a colour remover like Katie suggested, try some SFX Hot Lava (if you can find any ... they're currently restocking all of their suppliers). It's practically a perfect match for that photo. Alternatively, Manic Panic Infra Red should be a good alternative until Hot Lava gets back in stock.
Thanks. Are these colors semi permanent?
Moderator combined posts.
Yes indeedy!
If you can get the colour out with a colour remover like Katie suggested, try some SFX Hot Lava (if you can find any ... they're currently restocking all of their suppliers). It's practically a perfect match for that photo. Alternatively, Manic Panic Infra Red should be a good alternative until Hot Lava gets back in stock.
I have one other question. Except for a few minor split ends, my hair seems to be in good shape. I have been conditioning it well and it has body and shine. It is definitely not lifeless. Amazingly, it has faded a lot in the past few days. I even got a complement on it today. A coworker told me she likes it and it is making her want to go red. So, I guess it looks more red than I think. Anyway, since I have only put demi permanent color on my hair that fades in 28 days, will that color lift? I know that color won't lift color, but does that apply to demi permanent color that fades?
Demis will lift your natural colour a bit. You can remove a demi with a colour remover--it's not damaging, like bleach (though if your hair is damaged it can push it over the edge).
Yes that applies to demis as well. You MAYY be able to get a little bit more lift in color if you were to use a permanent blonde vs if you used a permanent dye originally instead of a demi but it will be minimal, even if the color is faded. You would still get rid of more color if you used a color remover though, and if NEED be a light bleach bath but I doubt you'll need one since it bleached to an orange/gold before you applied the demi. Most demis don't fade out completely, they may if you leave them alone for a very long time, idk I've never seen anyone try it. I'd still definitely go for a color remover first. It should take you back to the orange/gold you were before applying the demi especially since it's just been one application.