Hey guys. So I've been lightening my hair very slowly, like every 3 weeks with a diluted BB and I'm at this level (pic below) I used a picture that shows the back and also in sunlight. It looked almost the same before the last BB. So I'm wondering if there is some element that is staining and won't come out? I need a trim and I'm ok with that, but I was going to try and BB before I go, so then when I go everything is dead that they cut off and I won't BB again for a while, if at all.
But Idk if I can handle it. I just washed it without BB because I changed my mind at the last min. I BB when it's very dirty, I use coconut oil, I use K-pac and other deep conditioners and leave in and oils sometimes but I also use clarifying shampoo to get all that out because I know build up can be a problem as well. I feel like every end is split and it's getting very straw feeling. It's not 'gummy', but when it's wet it does sometimes pull and snap in some strands. I feel like the lightest strands are the ones falling out as well. I know that bleaching isn't the healthiest thing and I also didn't have *perfect* hair before, but I'm really seeing the damage and I'm starting to get worried if I should or even *can* go further. I wanted a light to pastel coral which probably won't ever happen unless I just go the super long route and bleach virgin roots until it's lighter and longer, but I don't know if I'll be interested in doing it or even having the color anymore when that time finally comes.
Also, my scalp has gotten very dry and flakey since BB ing, and i never used full strength or left it on too long. So Idk if I'm just sensitive but I'm seriously questioning if I should BB again at ALL. I would, I want to, but it seems to not be budging and I wonder if ONE BB is going to make such a difference anyway. I might just deal with the blonde for now and then possibly do a version of coral but it won't be what I wanted (I don't think). It's kind of disappointing but Idk what else can be done. Idk how girls get their hair so light or how people get blonde hair for years and years. Any advice? Should I just stop? I would be amazed to find out I "over processed" my hair using BB spread out so far, and diluted 50% with shampoo. My worst offense might have been using 40% shampoo instead of 50, but I space them out a long time. I also waited for my hair to fade a lot before doing the BB sessions because I know pink is tough to get out. Any help would be great!!
If you're getting actual snapping, stop. There's no guarantees ever when using anything with peroxide over and over. Especially with very long hair. It could very easily be over processed. Or just too much on long hair which gets damage just being long and, well, old!
Ok, the snapping isn't a lot, maybe when it gets caught in a comb or brush (I don't use them often though) and only a few strands, not like all of it. BUT I will take that advice. Should I try again at some later point after the trim? Like how will I know if and when I can do it? I don't think I have to chop it short, but I do have to get rid of a few inches because of damage. I mean, is there a point where you can never bleach again other than new growth? Because if so I'll probably just dye this lightly and then progressively get darker until, idk what, natural color grows back? π Every time I try, it seems very hard to get fun colors. For 7 years I only did my front part of my hair, so I attempted all of it. Blah it didn't work out so much. π
Once you've got some breakage, it's highly likely there's more you're not noticing or that is close to breaking
It's impossible to tell when or if you'll be able to bleach again. All you can do is try a strand test at some point. There's always going to be a point you can't use bleach on previously bleached hair, but predicting that point is impossible. You'll usually only ever know too late. Treat this as early warning π
I don't see why you need to go darker gradually. You can still play with medium shades and bleach new growth as it comes in.
If you're alright with a slightly darker coral than the one in your pictures I can't see why you couldn't still go for coral. I put a very diluted pink over my hair and it turns it into a pink/coral that I am absolutely in love with, and I believe my hair is like yours - yellow at the new growth, gingery staining on the lengths (but correct me if I'm wrong). If the lengths are bothering you, you could always make it a cool gradient, from coral into pink/red/orange.
Bleach damage is cumulative, so even if you have been doing low vol bleach baths and spacing them out it is still possible to over process it.
With long hair it is a balancing act between length/condition/colour. Not many people can achieve really long very pale hair that is in good condition, most of those lovely pics on the internet are either extensions or photoshop.
If you want to try for your dream colour without totally frying it or losing length I do have a few tricks to help you cheat your way there.
You can just put highlights through the top and front. It will give the impression of much lighter hair, but only a small percentage of the hair is processed again.
Or just bleach an inch of hair along your parting. All the top, most visible hair is then lighter, with long hair the darker under hair is fairly well hidden. If you add some layers, the top layer (that has been through another process) becomes the shortest hair on your head, so the most damaged areas are cut off.
what i found when going light was that the more damaged your hair is the less it will lighten, i was stuck at the same stage of colour a few years ago and i kept bleach bathing every few weeks out of frustration with barely any change in shade. i ended up just doing the roots for 8 months and reconstructing the rest of it, i came back to it months later and it lightened more in one bleach bath than it had previously in 4
i would leave the bleaches for about 6 months minimum and focus on reconstructing & conditioning then reach for the bleach baths again if your hair feels a lot stronger, has been trimmed and doesnt like straw or crunchy/dry. i think if you tone it with purple shampoo and get it to a cooler shade itll look lighter without the bleach bath and you could just leave it as it is as i think it looks fine π or go the ombre coral look or darker coral all over if you dont like it. i dont think youve over processed your hair from those 3 week spaced processes but if it was damaged before you started it might not have been strong enough to handle them
Thanks so much for your help guys!!! Yea I haven't gotten a proper trim in a YEAR! I do have hair cutting scissors that I cut split ends off, which I do quite frequently (obsessively) or it would be a lot worse. Yea I probably won't do an ombre only because I don't want the bottom darker if I can help it. It might go that way naturally. I will eventually do whatever coral I can get to, since that was my first intention, but I don't know that I'd want to go too pink or too red because since I can't bleach it out, it would only lend to more staining making future colors have to be that much darker to cover over the stains. I actually don't look good in cools, so I'm probably going to keep it untoned, since this golden color is more for me, it's just patchy and not even. Oh well though! I like the highlight idea. I have some now, but I probably won't do anything else for a long while. I don't think hair really get's mended, I think we can add some nutrients and take better care of it, but I find if its really brittle the only solution is cutting it and being careful with the new growth, less bleach and heat etc. Thanks so much though for everyones input!