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First time bleached and too red (Help please)

New Member Guest


So I wanted a dark red, burgundy but still rather brown. Nothing too bizarre but enough to notice a difference.
I went to my hairdresser and she bleaches my brunette hair. I felt like it was a red flag but because Im not familiar with hair processes I didn't say anything.

Long story short, my hair was dyed and turned FIRETRUCK RED. I hated it. My self esteem plummeted lol
I went to another salon (a little more reputable) and they managed to make it a little darker but it is still pretty red πŸ™
I am not happy with my hair but I frankly don't have any more money to invest to go to a salon.

I went to Sally's today and picked up a developer (20) and Ion color light red brown. Im going to return it and get dark red brown but frankly the little color swabs are very difficult to compare πŸ™

I miss my old hair and I regret having the poor thing bleached.
I still like the idea of red but am getting a little discouraged about the whole thing.

Whats a less damaging way of putting brown in my hair but with a little red tint?

Help, advice,  comfort is needed and welcomed!  πŸ™ *boo* *hugs*

Posted : August 26, 2016 10:47 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Go for a direct dye, it will take nicely on your processed hair but won't add any further damage. Adore have a great range of natural shades, and the underlying red will still show through

Posted : August 27, 2016 2:18 am
Noble Member Registered

Adore Mahogany is a nice brown with a red tint, I used it when I went from bright red (Special Effects Nuclear red) to ginger (Adore Cajun spice/ paprika mix) to browny auburn (Adore mahogany). You'll need to top it up frequently but to be honest I eventually used a permanent brown and that faded super quickly over the bleached bits anyway so I still have to top it up with Adore!

Posted : August 27, 2016 4:53 pm