whats the difference between liquid and cream peroxide? does one work better than the other, or is it just the cream one just thicker?
thanks xx
As far as I'm aware, they work the same--just one is runnier.
I think they are the same thing.
oh good ...i ordered liquid instead of cream lol
thanks x
I've been wondering this question as well since I accidentally both liquid instead of cream last week >.<! I find that the cream actually worked better on my hair but that might be because I find it easier to use :L
i used the liquid one anyway (didnt want to waste it, and couldnt be bothered to send it back lol), it worked pretty well, but was a bit tricky to apply, i'll make sure i get the cream one next time
Cream peroxide has conditioners etc added to it which will a) enable better colour mixing b) offer some degree of additional protection to the hair.
Liquid peroxide is pretty pure and has nothing added (it's just water with oxygen blasted into it - which is all peroxide is).
Speaking from a technical hair perspective, Liquid peroxide has a better edge to it than cream peroxide. It activates quickly, lifts fast and is pretty good for creating things such as bleach baths.
The negatives to it are it's much harder to control when you are applying it to the hair and it will make bleaches and colourants very runny.