So I bought some Colour B4 to use on my hair. I'm naturally blonde but I currently have dark brown hair, that I've had for a couple years or so, though I haven't dyed it for about a year now and my roots are very long. I've previously dyed my hair bright red using XXL, for several years prior, if that's helpful at all. My issue is, I have dreadlocks.
For the past eleven months I've been working on my dreads. Which is why I haven't dyed or done anything to my hair since. I decided after I started my journey that I wanted to just go natural so I wouldn't have to keep dying my dreads. I've never used bleach or anything of the sort before, so the thought was a bit nervewracking for me, particularly for use on dreadlocks (not being able to condition or anything afterwards). Then I heard about Colour B4. Today I did a strand test, coating a couple of dreads with it to see what would happen. After washing it off, nothing has changed. I'm thinking I maybe didn't use enough of the product, and tomorrow I'll be giving it another go and just covering as much of my hair as I can, and hopefully it'll go to plan. But I'm just a little worried.
I'm also curious about the 'Buffer' that comes with the product, wondering if that's safe to use on dreadlocks, since I only use residue-free shampoo on my hair, no conditioner, no wax, nothing. And if it is part of the colour removal process or is it simply a shampoo, and can I just cut it out. So I don't want to put anything unnecessary on my hair if I don't have to.
TL;DR my main question is simply, does anyone have any experience with using Colour B4 on dreadlocks?
I'm wondering if it's doable, safe, and will be effective on dreads, or am I just wasting my time?
Thanks for reading, I'd appreciate any help!
I've never heard of anyone using ColourB4 on dreads, but even if it works chances are you'll be left with an orange-y color where your hair has been dyed. The peroxide in dyes lifts the hair a little and often you won't get out all the dye either. You also absolutely need to use the buffer and a clarifying shampoo a lot afterwards to ensure that it doesn't reoxidise. I don't have any experience with dreads but it might be even trickier to get out all the color molecules than with normal hair.
I'd try another strand test using more of the product, in case that's why nothing happened the first time, but I think there's a chance it might not work or even mess up your dreads.