Hi, can anyone help me work out the quantity of creme peroxide (9% 30 volume) to one sachet of Blondor Multi Blonde bleach (30g) please?
I tried a bleach bath three months ago using 6% volume creme peroxide and Blondor Soft Blonde oil mixed bleach, hair was well covered with coconut oil overnight but I was slightly disappointed with the result.
Also, has anyone any used Sally's new 'Color Me' two step hair strengthening system? I think it works on a similar principe to Olaplex?
I'm ready to do a fresh full bleach but cannot figure out liquid quantities to dry powder.
My aim is to return to my natural pure white hair and I'm at a real pallet of colours from two inch pure white roots/virgin hair, through pale yellow, ginger to light chestnut ends. Dye colour has been stripped as much as it can using Pro-Voke then lots of TLC. I'm happy to take a couple of years to get back to pure white.
I followed Sins bleach bath tutorial but added the Color Secret instead of the shampoo. Really thrilled with the result as my hair is much lighter in colour but feels amazingly soft.
I'll do the same again in two months time.