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Bleach over Henna, next step?

New Member Guest

Hello everyone! I am new here but having been reading these forums for a while.. there is some great advice and now its my turn (hopefully I'm in the right place, could decide between henna and here).

So I have been using Henna to dye my hair for about 6 years. Age old story is that it was getting too dark and I am ready for a change. Not looking to get rid of the henna just want to lighten it enough that its more of a peach colour (level 6) that I can use things like manic panic over the top.

Tried a few methods which wernt moving the colour so I went with bleach. I have had a lot of experience with colour at home but never tried it before! I was OK with some damage and did lots of research with helped with expectations. After successful strand tests, using 20vol and bleach powder I got it from a level 4 to a 5. Its a great colour but...

Its super patchy! I put an ash blonde over the top which helped tone and even out a bit of colour but its still a bit leopard-y lol

I was thinking after waiting a month I was going to do a bleach bath as it doesn't need a massive lift and might be easier to get it even, but in the meantime how do I deal with the patchy-ness? The issue is its not just that some areas didn't take bleach, some took it too well. So there is some peach, yellow and copper.

Also when doing the bleach bath next time should I just put it on all over or work from the darkest bits to the lightest?

Do you think a henna gloss would help? The plan going forward was to use a cassia/henna blend once I find the right one so don't mind putting some henna back in there.

Sorry for the essay and thanks in advance!

First two pictures are today in the sun and the 3rd is a before shot inside with bright lights.

Posted : September 19, 2017 7:34 am
Estimable Member Registered

I went through the same thing as you after several years of using body-quality henna.  My hair was so healthy and I loved it for a while, but it got so dark!  If I'd do it again I'd do diluted henna to freshen it up instead of full strength like I'd done.
Be very careful with the permanent dyes and bleach!  The problem with henna is it coats the surface of the hair, so even when you use bleach you may not be able to remove that coating. Underneath the surface though your hair may actually be bleached out completely, the henna coating may still stay leaving the hair orangey or yellow coloured.  So it's easy to totally damage your hair before you know it!

I think henna is too unpredictable to know how to answer the questions on patchy hair.  I think I'd use temporary colour to even it out, like Adore. They've got some nice natural shades that hold well.

I tried a few bleach baths and ended up with light orange so switched to temporary colours till my henna grew out.
I love henna but it's such a permanent decision.  I've read where some people are able to remove it with different methods but I was never able to, I just had to let it grow out unfortunately.  But now after a year of finally having all my henna grow out I'm thinking about using it again........

Posted : October 1, 2017 5:40 pm