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Bleach bath after Affinage bRED and Colour B4

Active Member Registered

Hi everyone! This is going to be long so apologies in advance, I'm not good at being concise!

Several years ago I started using Affinage bRED in Red with 30 vol to dye my hair. I have naturally brunette hair and I'd used dark red box dyes before, so Affinage was my first experience into properly lifting my hair (more than a box dye does anyway). I used it all over the first few times with a slightly lower developer on the lengths and it worked really well, but then I cottoned on to the fact I didn't need to keep processing the lengths. I also didn't know at this point that colour doesn't lift colour. I then changed to maintaining it by using the Affinage on the virgin roots only and Crazy Colour Fire on the lengths to refresh the colour.

I've been doing this for years now, and have noticed my hair isn't as bright as it used to be. I started to wonder if maybe the layers of red were somehow stopping it being as bright, so I used Colour B4 a few weeks ago. It worked surprisingly well considering how many years of dye were on my hair - it went to a light auburny/strawberry blondey colour which I figured would be a good and light enough base to put Crazy Colour Fire over. I dyed it with Fire again and my hair is maybe a tiny bit brighter, but still nowhere near as bright as it used to be years ago.

I don't know why my hair isn't as bright as it used to be, and even though colour doesn't lift colour I was wondering if using Affinage bRED on the lengths was still lifting it a bit? I've researched hi lift dye and from what I've read it doesn't work on lifting already lifted hair, but it definitely isn't as bright as it was.

Finally, I am wondering whether to do a bleach bath to lighten everything just a little more to hopefully get the bright result I want. Does this sound like it could work? I've been reading and reading on here so I know to use coconut oil and do the roots last. I'm very careful with my hair too - washing in cool water once a week, sulphate free haircare, no heat etc so it's hopefully not too damaged (hairdressers always say it's in good condition). I've never played with bleach before apart from Affinage so I don't want to get it wrong!

Thanks so much for reading my rambling and any advice you have. I have attached photos of my hair to show how it's changed - first is how bright it used to be, second is after Colour B4, third is literally 5 seconds ago. It does look a bit brighter in sunlight but it's still a far cry from the bright photo as I hope you can see!

Topic starter Posted : March 16, 2018 9:34 pm
Active Member Registered

Adding the third picture as it was too much for the first post! This is the brightness of my hair now.

Topic starter Posted : March 16, 2018 9:40 pm
Famed Member Registered

Well, colour doesn’t lift colour, but it will actually keep lightening your natural colour. So what will have happened before is it will have been gradually getting brighter each time you dyed it. So yes, I think you would benefit form a mild bleach bath. I suggest trying it out on a hidden bit of hair or a strand text first just in case there’s any surprises lurking! Also make sure to keep it warm.

Posted : March 16, 2018 11:02 pm
Trusted Member Registered

I don't know about that specific brand but the peroxide in the dye certainly lifts natural hair. My mousy light brown roots turns yellow from a dark blonde dye that made them darker overall.

If you get a good result from Colour B4 you could always bleach bath after that. Just be careful and wash your hair a couple of times before - but it sounds like you're already aware of that. πŸ™‚

Lovely colour by the way! It suits you well. πŸ™‚

Posted : March 17, 2018 10:30 am
Active Member Registered

That makes sense, thank you Janine πŸ™‚ (I own a custom headband by you and still love it!)

What is the best thing to do about the fact that when I do attempt to dye my hair again I will have much darker roots? Is it worth trying normal bleach on the roots after applying a bleach bath to the lengths?

Thanks so much in advance and thank you for saying it suits me! I've been red for so long I can't imagine being any other colour πŸ™‚

Topic starter Posted : March 24, 2018 11:08 pm
Famed Member Registered

I thought it was you and your fruity self! You’ve found one of my down time hangouts )

Yeah, bleach the roots. Use a good quality bleach (not Jerome Russell, it’s all damage and not enough lift) with a low volume peroxide. I liked blondor or blondeme. You just want to get it to ginger and red is very forgiving of an u even base colour so that helps a lot.

Posted : March 25, 2018 12:45 am
Active Member Registered

Thanks so much again πŸ™‚ I will try and pick up either of those from Sally's soon. Is it best to buy the same brand developer too or does it not matter too much?

Sorry for all the questions!

Topic starter Posted : March 25, 2018 11:13 am