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Black to Blonde, HELP!

New Member Guest

Hi everyone,

For a few years I had my hair bleach blonde on the top, with black underneath. Now I am trying to go all blonde. In March, I started the process of turning the black, blonde. We are now in November, and my hair is currently an orangeish brown still. Is this right? I feel like in the course of 8 months, my hair should look at least somewhat blonde by now, right?! I have read online that it should take about 3-4 bleaches, and that is initially what my stylist said as well. I get my hair dyed approximately every 5 weeks, so I've had about 6-7 dyes by now since the initial process.

I wouldn't normally care about the time, however, this is starting to become extremely pricey. The salon I went to before this only charged $50 to do both my blonde and black. This salon charges $55 for my roots and then another $55 to color my black to blonde.  I like my stylist, but if this is going to take another 6-7 dyes, I simply cannot afford to continue going to this salon.

Thanks for any input!! I am also attaching a photo of what my hair looked like before, and currently looks like.

Posted : November 1, 2016 8:28 pm
Famed Member Registered

It can be impossible I'm afraid. Sometimes the staining is just too ingrained. Generally it's expected to take around a year.

I'm sad you went straight for bleaching though. You might have got further sooner if you'd used colour removers before going anywhere near bleach. The bleach could actually have contributed to the staining lasting longer as well. Bleach can drive colour further into the hair. It's not even intended to remove anything other than natural colour, so it's just not that effective at it.

I would recommend at least trying a colour remover. You use $, so I'm going to assume you're in the US (I'm sorry if you're elsewhere), so you'll want color fix. Don't use color oops, it's more damaging and not as good. I can't promise it's going to work, but it might help.

Posted : November 1, 2016 9:04 pm
New Member Guest

Thank you for your reply!

I know absolutely nothing about hair or bleaching, so whenever I go to the salon I put my full trust into whoever is doing my hair. Now I am thinking maybe I should have done more research before hand πŸ™

In your opinion, do you think my hair should be lighter by now?

(And yes, I am in the US)

Posted : November 1, 2016 9:55 pm
Famed Member Registered

i can't say if it should be lighter now. It depends on the dyes you used. It was dyed dark for a very long time. As I said before, it can be literally impossible to remove all traces of staining from dark dyes unfortunately. So no, I don't think you hair should be lighter now, there's no way of knowing.

Stupidly, hairdressers have been very slow to catch on to color removers (most anyway, some have finally embraced them). Most still insist on using bleach and it's just so silly. I've had arguments with them that they'll make all my hair fall out, which just shows the ignorance. They aren't damaging in the way bleach is. They dry out the hair a bit, but not more than a harsh shampoo. They're also ding their intended job, unlike bleach when you use it to remove dark hairdye.

I would definitely recommend trying color fix. It might not work, but if it does, then you can try a couple more and you'll be a lot closer with a lot less damage. πŸ™‚

Posted : November 2, 2016 7:37 am